Sunday, March 05, 2006

angry readers

Whoa.. i jus found out todae tt quite a few of my faithful readers are quite angry tt i left Chaos Gauntlet remain stagnant for like 5months.. but fear not, entry 26 is halfway done.. itll probably be done and posted by the end of the week.. sorry ppls.. realli realli realli sorry.. Ohwell, at least during the break ive managed to come up with a hell lot of minor details and twists for the plots.. so all i need now is time to actualli write it all out.. haha..

At least there wont be any lessons for the next 2 daes cos of orientation 2.. so yea.. ttll give me some time.. besides.. realli looking forward to tmr.. can spend time wif the peeps in the og.. hope nothing sneaky will happen tmr. Itll ruin my day.. lol..

Sorry again to all readers.. Most likely entries will be once a week or once every 2 wks.. Not as often as b4 cos of an increase in work in jc.. haha..

Speaking of which, i had a very wierd dream todae.. I was like an imperial guardsmen abt to get executed for getting drunk during my sentry duty.. interesting.. haha.. lame..

tts all frm me todae.. better get back to chem and entry 26.. :)

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